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Navigate:  Pump Tubing / Three Stop (Standard) / PVC Solva - Three Stop
PVC Solva (also known as SolventFlex, SolvaFlex) has solvent resistant characteristics allowing it to be used for aromatic oils, solvents, petroleum compounds, inks and many other applications. It is also phthalate-free, meeting the modern requirements of tubing under REACH regulation.  PVC Solva exhibits comparable chemical resistance properties to Viton tubing, but is more competitively priced due to the use of PVC material. The PVC contains as TOTM plasticiser which maintains the integrity of Solva during the transport of oils. Solva also exhibits very low gas permeability.  PVC Solva is flexible tubing, translucent for the visual confirmation of flow, but bright yellow to distinguish from standard PVC materials.
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